The Best One Time Offer Strategy Guide For WooCommerce Stores

The Best One Time Offer Strategy Guide For WooCommerce Stores

As a WooCommerce store owner, you may face the constant challenge of finding new ways to drive sales and engage customers. It can be difficult to break through the noise and drive real results.

That’s where the One Time Offer (OTO) comes in.

One Time Offer is a powerful marketing strategy to create FOMO and boost conversion in an online store real quick.

The idea is to present a compelling offer to customers who have already shown interest by making a purchase.

In this article, you will learn the concept of a one time offer and how to effectively implement it for your WooCommerce store.

By the end, you’ll have the strategy to implement one time offers that grab attention, drive purchases, and grow your Woocommerce business. 

So, let’s get started.

What Is A One Time Offer?

Imagine a customer in your WooCommerce store, excited about a new t-shirt they’ve just added to their cart. Now, picture a pop-up appearing that offers a limited-time discount on a pair of sunglasses that perfectly complement the t-shirt. 
This is the power of a one time offer (OTO).

A one time offer (OTO) is a special promotional deal that is available for a very limited period of time. As a WooCommerce store owner, you can use OTOs to create a sense of urgency and scarcity that drives customers to make a purchase.

For example, you could offer 20% off the entire store for the next 48 hours only. Or you could provide free shipping on orders over $50 for 1 week only.

These narrow purchasing windows tap into the fear of missing out (FOMO) that your customers likely feel. And, eventually, it will bring more conversion for you.

5 Best One Time Offer Strategy

Following are some effective one time offer strategies that you can implement in your store. After implementing them, you can expect to boost your conversion significantly.

First Purchase Discount

Offering a first-purchase discount is an excellent way to incentivize new customers to try your WooCommerce store.

Implementing a first-timer one time offer removes any hesitancy and gives new shoppers that extra nudge they need to make their initial purchase. You can offer a discount like 25% off their first order or free shipping on their first order.

The key is making this discount exclusive to new customers only. This builds perceived value and makes new shoppers feel special.

For example, you could create a coupon code like NEWSHOP25 that takes 25% off their initial purchase. Make this coupon code unique by specifying it can only be used once per customer and requires signing up for email alerts.

Promote it prominently on your website footer, product pages, and checkout cart. When visitors sign up for your email list, send them an automated email with the special discount code and instructions to redeem it.

Limit the usage to a short timeframe, such as 15-30 days from sign-up. This expires the offer if not used quickly and creates an urgency to avoid missing out. You can also amplify promotion through social media posts highlighting the discount for first purchases. Retargeting ads are another channel to remind contacts about the deal if they haven’t used it yet.

This type of exclusive offer for new customers can successfully drive conversions and customer acquisition. The savings remove hesitancy to try your store while positioning your brand as generous.

Free Shipping Minimum Buydown

Temporarily reducing your free shipping minimum is an excellent one time offer to encourage larger order sizes. This creates urgency around a limited-time perk that customers won’t want to miss out on.

For example, you could lower your regular free shipping minimum from $50 down to $35 for 1 week only. So any order above $35 gets free shipping during that promotion.

The lower threshold makes it easier to qualify for the free shipping perk. This incentivizes customers to add more items to their carts to surpass the minimum and get the free shipping deal. Even a small reduction can have a large impact.

To implement this, announce the special OTO by email, on social media, and through on-site banners and popups. Create a sense of urgency by having it be a flash sale for just 1 week or a specific date range like Friday-Friday.

Use scarcity language like “For today only!” and “Ends soon!”. Display a visible countdown timer showing the hours remaining until the offer expires.

To maximize results, have the promotional shipping minimum show prominently throughout the site, especially the cart and checkout pages. This ensures customers see it while deciding what to add to their carts.

This limited-time offer becomes a compelling reason to spend more and acts as a final nudge to convert before time runs out.

Gift with Purchase

Offering free gifts is an excellent way to add value for customers and increase order sizes. The perceived added value from a free gift can be highly motivating for customers.
For example, you could give a one time offer of a free t-shirt with any purchase over $75 for 1 week only. Or provide a free ebook with purchases over $100.

The gift should be relevant to your products and brand. For a clothing store, a free accessory makes sense. For an educational site, an informational resource as a gift works well.

To implement this, first announce the OTO gift via email and on-site notifications. Build excitement and intrigue. Then provide the gift details, minimum spend required, and end date.
Make the offer exclusive to email subscribers only. This incentivizes sign-ups to gain access to gifts. You can also boost promotions through social media and retargeting ads.

On qualifying product pages, showcase the free gift messaging prominently. On the cart and checkout pages, display gift details and the minimum purchase amount needed to receive it.

For fulfillment, you can email digital gifts like ebooks or coupons. For physical items, ship the gift along with the main purchase.

Surprising customers with free complementary products positions you as a generous brand and makes them feel valued.

This limited-time offer strategy encourages larger order values and helps build customer loyalty.

Limited Order Bump Offer

Order bumps are offers for complementary or upgraded products shown during the checkout process. They allow you to increase the average order value.

A limited-time order bump creates urgency and scarcity that boosts conversion rates.
For example, you could offer a special bundle deal only to customers who reach the checkout page during a 1-week promotion. If they are buying Product A, you can offer a discount on Product B as an additional order bump.

Or you can offer free expedited shipping as a checkout bump for orders over $50 during a 48-hour flash sale.

To implement a limited order bump, first create a sense of urgency and exclusivity with the language and design. Use phrases like “Exclusive Checkout Offer!” and “Today Only!”.
Display the special bump offer prominently on the checkout page. Ideally, position it right before customers finalize payment to maximize uptake. You want customers to see it and be tempted to add one more small thing to their carts.

You can also announce this one time offer on your website home page, product pages, and via ads and email. This builds anticipation. But the checkout page bump itself creates that immediate impulse purchase.

For example, if someone is checking out with a $75 order, a 15% off code for a pair of sunglasses offered right there could tempt them to increase their cart value further.
The surprise of a limited-time offer during checkout converts browsers into buyers. The time constraint prompts fast action, resulting in higher profits.

Surprise One Time Offer

Leveraging the element of surprise can make your deals more exciting and build anticipation.
To implement a surprise sale OTO:

First, create intrigue by announcing an upcoming flash sale on your website and social media without specifics. For example, post “Big sale coming soon exclusively for email subscribers!”
Keep the teaser copy vague – don’t reveal product details, discount amounts, exact timing, or duration. The minimal details will pique interest and have followers watching for more information.

One or two days before the surprise sale, send an email to subscribers briefly announcing the flash deal will happen “within 24 hours!”. This builds momentum.

Then finally reveal the concrete details and start the ultra-short flash sale, such as 50% off Widget XYZ for the next 6 hours only. Promote it aggressively through emails, SMS, social media, and on-site banners.

You can even repeat the cycle by starting with a second vague teaser announcement while the first surprise sale is still ongoing. This doubles the urgency and anticipation.

Followers will keep checking social media and your website for the next surprise one time offer. This recurring sense of anticipation and FOMO can significantly boost engagement and sales.

Set Up One Time Offers Seamlessly with StoreGrowth

If you want an easy way to create and manage powerful one time offers in your WooCommerce store, StoreGrowth is an excellent solution.

StoreGrowth is a versatile plugin that provides a robust set of features specifically designed to help you quickly build and optimize limited-time promotions.

For example, the Quick Cart gives you an easy way to showcase deals and encourage impulse purchases. Customers can rapidly add OTO products to their cart and checkout in one click.
You can promote scarcity and urgency with the Stock Count Progress Bar. It displays limited quantities visually, prompting buyers to act fast.

The Sales Countdown Timer also helps motivate customers by showing a deadline for the promotion is coming soon. This turns browsers into buyers.

StoreGrowth enables you to create sticky notifications and free shipping bars across your site to announce deals. Upsell order bumps help increase average order values as well.
With this powerful all-in-one toolkit, you can quickly roll out compelling one time offers, boost conversions, upsell customers, and ultimately drive more revenue for your WooCommerce store.

Try it out!

Sum Up

One time offer presents a huge opportunity for WooCommerce stores to boost metrics like customer acquisition, order frequency, average order value, and lifetime value.

When implemented strategically, a one time offer can successfully grab attention, spark urgent action, and drive results. Short-term discounts, free perks, surprise deals, and bundled offerings all incentivize purchases.

With the right one time offer, creative copy, sense of urgency, and smart timing, you can execute promotions that resonate with customers and lead to more sales.

Tools like StoreGrowth make it easy to quickly roll out limited-time offers, upsells, coupons, and other conversion-focused promotions.
So, what are you waiting for?
Use the one time offer strategy to engage your audience, and enjoy your WooCommerce store’s success.

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